Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1.        Introduction and Scope

1.1 HYDES DISTRIBUTION (“HYDES”) is committed to protecting personal information by following responsible information-handling practices in keeping with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and other relevant privacy laws. HYDES uses modern information and communication technology to support our activities.

1.2 This Privacy Policy governs our practices with respect to personal information we collect through the Zippo Canada websites. Personal information is any information recorded in any form that identifies or can identify an individual.

 1.3 This Privacy Policy is effective as of June 1, 2020 


2.        Accountability  

2.1 HYDES is responsible for the personal information under our possession and control. We have designated a Privacy Officer to be responsible for our compliance with this Privacy Policy and current privacy legislation.  

3.        What Personal Information We Collect  

3.1 Personal information is any information recorded in any form that identifies or can identify an individual. You can access our website home page and browse the website without disclosing personal data. 

3.2 As a general policy, no personal information is collected from our visitors. The only personal information we collect is the information that you volunteer, such as your name, your personal email address, and your home or cell phone number. You may provide us with your personal information:

 ·         when you purchase an item or service;

 ·         when you register as a user or enter a contest or sweepstake;

 ·         when you give us feedback, ask a question, or complete a survey;

 ·         when you request information regarding consumer relations assistance or otherwise communicate with us about our offerings


4.        How We Use Your Personal Information 

 4.1 HYDES collects personal information for the following purposes: 

  • to provide services or products to you;


  • to process payments for products or services purchased by you;


  • to respond to any correspondence from you or inquiries you ask us;


  • to understand, research, and improve our products and services, including understanding survey data and user feedback;


  • to satisfy legal, government, and regulatory obligations;


  • to provide promotions and offers from HYDES, its subsidiaries, and promotional partners to you;


  • to notify you regarding orders placed, or when a contest or sweepstake is won;


  • for marketing and promotional purposes;


  • for any other reasonable purposes for which you may have provided your express consent or in which your consent can be reasonably implied


5.        Consent 

5.1 We respect your privacy and, unless otherwise required by law, we will not collect, use, or disclose your personal information without your prior consent. Your consent may be expressed or implied. You may expressly give your consent in writing, verbally, or through any electronic means. In certain circumstances, your consent may be implied by your actions. For example, providing us with your credit card information to purchase a product is implied consent to use your information to pay for the requested product.

 5.2 Where appropriate, HYDES will generally seek your consent to use or disclose the information when we collect it. In certain circumstances, consent with respect to use or disclosure may be sought after the information has been collected but before use. For example, when HYDES wants to use information for a purpose other than those identified above. When getting your consent, HYDES will use reasonable efforts to ensure that you are advised of the identified purposes for which your personal information will be used or disclosed. 

5.3 The form of consent sought by HYDES may vary, depending upon the circumstances and type of information disclosed. In determining the appropriate form of consent, HYDES shall take into account the sensitivity of the personal information and the reasonable expectations of visitors to the Zippo Canada website. HYDES will seek your express consent when the information is likely to be considered sensitive. Implied consent will generally be appropriate where the information is less sensitive. 

5.4 You may withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. If you withdraw your consent, this will result in our being unable to give you certain services. In order to withdraw consent, you must provide notice to HYDES in writing, including through the unsubscribe link in our emails.  


6.        Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention 

6.1 We do not share or sell the personal information we collect. We will not disclose your personal information to anyone else without your prior knowledge or consent, except when required by a government body or agency, or as permitted by law. HYDES will not use, disclose, or transfer your personal information for any purpose other than those described above without first obtaining your consent, where such consent is not reasonably implied. 

6.2 As noted above, HYDES does not disclose your personal information to third parties. However, your personal information may be transferred to third party suppliers, contractors, and agents (“Affiliates”) who are contracted by HYDES to assist it in providing products and services. These Affiliates will only use your personal information for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy. HYDES takes reasonable contractual or other measures to protect your Personal Information while processed or handled by such Affiliates. 

6.3 HYDES will retain Personal Information for only as long as required to fulfill the identified purposes or as required by law. Personal Information that is no longer required to fulfill the identified purposes will be destroyed, erased, or made anonymous according to the guidelines and procedures established by HYDES. 

6.4 Financial information that is collected is used to process your request for products and services, and will not be shared with third parties who are not involved with the transaction. When credit card information is transmitted, HYDES uses industry standard, SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. Due to normal legal and auditing requirements, partial credit card information is retained by HYDES in an encrypted form. That information is not shared with any Affiliate or any person unnecessary for legal and auditing purposes.  


7.        Confidentiality and Security 

 7.1 HYDES maintains physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards that are appropriate to the type of personal information we obtain from you. Only HYDES staff, volunteers, or third party suppliers, contractors, or agents with a business need to know, or whose duties reasonably so require, are granted access to personal information about our website visitors. All such staff and volunteers will be required as a condition of employment to contractually respect the confidentiality of your personal information and handle it responsibly.


8.        Use of Cookies and Pixel Tags 

8.1 A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from any website you are on to the hard drive of your computer so that the website may identify separate visitors to the site and track users' activities on the website. A cookie will not give a website any personally identifiable information about you, such as your name and address.

8.2 HYDES uses cookies only to keep track of how many people visit the Zippo Canada website and how frequently each page is visited. Specifically, cookies are used to:

  • remember the items in your shopping cart
  • analyze visitor behaviour

  • recognize you when you return to our website

  • store your username or login email and password

  • preserve and expire visitor sessions on the site (keeping visitors signed in after authenticating or saving data; and ending the session after a period of inactivity)

  • store font size preferences on the site

  • enable web analytic tools

  • allow the use of Express Check-Out

8.3 Individual movements of users cannot be tracked while on the Zippo Canada website. HYDES uses cookies to track page popularity only to be able to improve the quality of the site and meet your needs. We collect information about you only if you volunteer it.

 8.4 Visitors who wish to opt out of cookies should review the help documentation for their browser software to decline or selectively decline cookies. Visitors can also regularly delete their browser and cookie history. Note that declining cookies may adversely impact site performance for you. 

 8.5 You can find more information about how to manage cookies for all the commonly used internet browsers by visiting (link is external). This website will also explain how you can delete cookies which are already stored on your device.

 8.6 Pixel Tags are tiny graphic images to help us analyze your online behavior. Pixel Tags also allow us to send you emails in a format you can read and let us know when you have opened an email message from us.

 8.7 HYDES may use Pixel Tags to collect information about your visit, including the pages you view, the links you click and other actions taken in connection with our website. We also collect certain standard information that your browser sends to every Site you visit, such as your IP address, browser type and language, username, system type, whether you have enabling software to access certain website features, access times and referring website addresses.


9.        Information We Collect That Does Not Identify You

9.1 HYDES also collects information from you that is aggregated and/or anonymized in such a way that it cannot be connected to you or any individual, and therefore is not considered personal information. This includes the following data we collect:

  • device and browser type;


  • operating system;


  • the pages or features of the website that a visitor browsed;


  • the time spent on those pages or features;


  • the frequency with which the website is used by a visitor;


  • search terms used by a visitor;


  • the links on the website that the user clicked on or used; and


  • other statistics.


This information by itself or together cannot be tracked to a specific individual’s personally identifiable information.



10.     How We Use Aggregated or Anonymized Information

 10.1 In an ongoing effort to better understand the needs of our visitors so as to improve the Zippo Canada website, we may use aggregated or anonymized information to analyze user demographics and website usage behaviour. This analysis may be used by HYDES and any partners that embed Zippo Canada content for statistical purposes and to develop and enhance HYDES’ activities and services.


11.     Use of IP Addresses

11.1 An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer by your internet provider whenever you are surfing the web. When you request pages from HYDES Sites, our servers log your IP address. HYDES collects IP addresses for the purposes of system administration, to report aggregate information to our partners, and to audit the use of our Site.

11.2 Unless you purchase something, we do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that your session will be logged, but you are anonymous to us.

11.3 If you access the Buy feature in the online store, we will link your IP address to your credit card information as part of our fraud prevention program. We do this to protect you. We may use your IP addresses in cooperation with your internet provider to identify you if we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with our Terms of Use or to protect our service, Sites, customers, or others.


12.     Mobile Services

12.1 Zippo Canada and affiliate websites contain services and features that are available to certain mobile phones. Your carrier’s normal rates and fees apply. Not all mobile services will work with all carriers or devices. You should check the rates and services offered by your carrier. By using a mobile phone to access HYDES websites, you agree certain information about your use of these services may be shared with us through third party partners.


13.     Email Mailing List Subscriptions

 13.1 When you subscribe to an email list from HYDES or Zippo Canada, you need to provide your name and an email address. This email address is used to deliver the mailing list messages to you, such as information about Zippo Canada products, contests and sweepstakes. Your email address will not be disclosed to any other mailing list subscriber, organization, website, or government agency. If you do not wish to hear about HYDES or Zippo Canada products, contests or sweepstakes, you may unsubscribe at any time. 


14.     How to Access Your Personal Information

14.1 Upon request, HYDES will provide information to any person about whether we have their personal information, and what we have disclosed and used it for. HYDES will respond to an application for individual access to personal information within a reasonable time and at minimal or no cost to the individual. An individual may challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

  14.2 NOTE: In certain circumstances, HYDES may not be able to provide access to all the personal information it holds about a person. Exceptions may include information that is prohibitively costly to provide, information that contains references to other individuals, information that cannot be disclosed for legal, security, or commercial proprietary reasons, or information that is subject to solicitor-client or litigation privilege. HYDES will provide the reasons for denying access upon request.

  14.3 To modify or delete the personal information you have provided during registration, you may login and update your profile.

  14.4 Contact for assistance or more information.



15.1 The Zippo Canada website provides links to other websites. HYDES is not responsible for the privacy policy of these websites or how personally identifiable information is collected, stored, and used. We encourage visitors to review each website's privacy policy before disclosing any personally identifiable information.


16.     Privacy Questions   

16.1 If you have a complaint or concern about HYDES’ information-handling practices, we encourage you to let us know. Any inquiries or complaints involving HYDES’ handling of personal information or compliance with this policy or with PIPEDA should be directed to HYDES’ Privacy Officer:


Hydes Distribution/Zippo Canada 

6868 Kinsmen Court  

Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6S5 

Phone: 905-358-3674 

Toll Free: 1-888-445-9097  

Fax: 905-358-9419


16.2 Information provided by you via general email inquiries to HYDES, such as your email address, is used only to respond to your inquiries in the ordinary course of business, and is never shared with third parties.

 16.3 HYDES will maintain procedures for addressing and responding to all inquiries or complaints from individuals about HYDES’ handling of personal information. HYDES will investigate all complaints.

  16.4 The Privacy Officer will respond to all such inquiries or complaints within 14 business days of receipt. The Privacy Officer will make reasonable efforts to resolve all such complaints within 30 days of receipt of the initial complaint. If HYDES finds a complaint to be justified, it will take appropriate measures, including, if necessary, amending its policies and procedures.


17. General

 17.1 HYDES reserves the right to modify and amend this privacy policy from time to time in its sole discretion without prior notice. Any amendment(s) will be posted on the Zippo Canada website and will be effective as of the date of posting.


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